Thursday, July 28, 2005

eat your hash browns!

funny story... the other night, asiah and i went out to eat at a local place, whose name i will omit to avoid personal embarrassment. i ordered a breakfast with eggs and pancakes and hash browns and, of course, bacon! when the food came, the hash browns were like brown rubber soaked in grease. i was like "ew" and asiah told me i should say something about them but i wouldn't. so when the waitress came, asiah showed her the hash browns and explained that they were yucky. i told the waitress that if the kitchen was still open, to have them make me some new ones but if they weren't, just take them off the bill. this whole process was quite confusing and finally she brought a plate of new hash browns. i'm not talking just any plate here either... this was a big plate with a mound of hash browns on it. by the time it came, i was getting pretty full so i did my best to eat some of them but i couldn't. asiah told me that since we made a big deal of getting new ones that i had to eat them. i said "im stuffed... what am i gonna do?" then she gave me the idea to put them in my napkin and throw them away. brilliant! that way, it would look like i ate them! so i scraped this mountain of taters into my napkin and rolled it up. then i went to the bathroom and, for some reason, thought it would be best if i just flushed them down the toilet. so i threw this hashbrown log into the toilet and pressed the lever. it swirled around and around and i was praying "God, please let it go down" cause i didnt know how i would get it back out of the toilet if it didnt. finally it went down in the hole and i was like "whew!" but then... the water started to rise! up up up it went towards the top of the toilet. i said "aah! oh no!" and i ran out the door and back to the table. i looked at asiah and said "we gotta go right now." she said "troy... what did you do?" i said i would tell her in a minute but we had to go right then before they figured out it was me. so we paid for our food and got out of there as quick as we could, trying not to laugh the whole time. moral of the story: some things start out with the best of intentions, but stupid ideas with the best of intentions are still stupid ideas.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


man that took forever to get through that enrollment process! i'm not real sure but i have a funny feeling that all those user names and location names were'nt all really taken. i think someone is spying on the new people so they can steal their good names. uh huh and i think that with all of mine they were like "mmm... that's a good'n" and they stole it to make it their own. that or theres a chimp named Bingo sitting in a big high-backed leather chair with a big red button on the desk in front of him. when you submit a name he smacks the button and a big buzzer goes off and its rejected. EEEHHHH "user name is unavailable." it's all about beating Bingo. if you can get past the monkey: you're in. dang, he's fast! Bingo really gives a bad name to the rest of the nanner clan. leave it to one monkey to ruin it for all monkeydom. man that monkey makes me mad. stupid stupid monkey.