Thursday, April 05, 2007

the bunny

ok... so i haven't been writing in a while. so much has happened in the past year that it's near impossible to list it all. we now have a house in north manchester. redoing that seems to be taking a little longer than expected, but asiah and i really guard our resting times. and since we're so busy busy all the time, those are few and far between. God has recently given us the blessing of a new car. along with it came a low payment, a great interest rate, and only a slight bump in our already-decent insurance cost. i can't say enough about how thankful i am to have this car. it's so much fun and so nice... God is so good to us. anyhoo... you can read all about it at
whelp, i'm out of time... but i promise more to come soon...


Dani said...

Whoohoo!!! A new post -- how exciting! :) I am looking forward to checking up, I mean checking in on you. Love, Your Sister

Tamara said...

Since you have been eagerly awaiting my comment I will leave one. God is in the car blessing buisness. Thank you for seeking His Kingdom first so He could add the a car as one of your blessings.

Brian K Spears said...

so happy for you two! God rocks! A pleasure to see you post as well. Welcome home. ;)