jason singing "where is tamara? where is taaamara, o father?" : P
i know... it's been a week since this happened, but i wanted to at least mention jason upton. last friday, asiah and i went to see jason upton in elkhart. it was really good. i was a little surprised though, he mainly played new songs (which i don't care for as much as the older ones). the temperature of pretty much the whole concert was deep, mellow worship, which i enjoy, however i was expecting higher energy. God had a different plan i guess ;) anyhoo, when the first song started he was just kinda lightly tickling the keys and then started singing "enter in" over and over and within 10 seconds, the hair on my arms and neck stood straight up (its doing it right now as i retell this). the spirit just fell, right then and there, within the first 10 seconds! the rest of the concert was pretty good, but i was having a hard time staying focused. its easy for me to get distracted when things aren't high energy around me. i get bored pretty easily. darned sanguine personality! but overall it was good. he did sing the tail end of the song "teach me how to pray" which i was hoping he would sing that one, its one of my favorites. i sang along to that one. it was overall very nice. jason is a very personal, caring worship leader and you can see the love of God just radiate from him. he is certainly blessed and anointed for what he does. i highly recommend him to anyone that loves spirit and truth worshiping like i do. no gimmicks. just worship.
Jason Upton really asked God where I was? Man. he is really intuned with God. He noticed a complete stranger didn't get to make the show and then interceded on my behalf. Impressive. (giggle)
i told you God likes you! or... perhaps it was another tamara? silly girl... it was pretty good though. i think you would have really enjoyed it. next time.
yeah... cause i'm forgetful. thats pretty much why i didn't. oooh... and also cause i didn't think about it.
nice background
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