Thursday, January 05, 2006


well i guess i should probably give an update on the recording equipment. because of God's amazing provision and my wonderful wife's support, i was able to pick up an mbox 2 the other day. and because of God's favor, i was able to get it for an amazing price! it comes with a program called protools which has so much to it. i've recorded my first practice song "wedding dress" a derek webb song, with just my mic and guitar just to see if i could do it. i'm excited to start recording some of my songs for my wife and friends to hear. i suppose i will keep everyone posted as i learn more about recording and this software and all i can do with it. with God's help, i should be able to figure this all out pretty quick. more to come!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Yeah, that is most exciting. Tell your wife she is most amazing. I am so jealous of her wisdom.